Kids Zone Competiton Games Registration

Join us at OUR FARM on October 19 in the Kids' Zone for friendly field day competition activities. Children 5-12 years-old are welcome to sign up for these competition games for a small fee ($20 per child). Pre-registration required.
Free petting zoo with purchase of Kids' Zone Competition Games ticket.
Lunch on-site (BBQ and Hot dog plates) will be available for purchase prior to Kids' Zone Competitions. Kids' Zone Competitions will be from 1:30-3:30 pm with an awards presentation following. Please arrive 30 minutes before events begin to sign-in.
OUR FARM is located at 454 Hunter Street Ext, Abbeville, SC. If you have questions about the Kids' Zone Competition Games please email or call 864.993.5171 or Tammie at 864.993.8232. This is a fundraiser event and tickets are non-refundable.