Volunteers in Action

Piedmont Tech Interns, staff and former Residents man a booth at the annual Ag Fest at John de la Howe School to promote OUR FARM. PTC interns also help at other OUR FARM events.

Brooklyn helps at the Pilot Renew Hope Camp in October 2023 with art projects. She was an intern from Limestone College.
Fence INstallation

APFUM Residents participate in equine discipleship

Equine Discipleship with APFUM resident and intern.

Getting the land ready...
Progress in May/June 2023
Fencing was donated and transported to OUR FARM in May. OUR FARM had a table at the Farmer's Market in Abbeville this past Friday (June 9). Volunteers helped put cardboard boxes and double ground hardwood around all the fruit trees. A BIG thanks to BHC trucking and this young man for volunteering! Our berries are doing very good!

The first planting in the garden beds… Texas Sweet Onions donated by Park Seed in Greenwood, SC.
We are praising God for West Wood Cabins and West Wood Sheds, who sent volunteers and supplies to build the garden beds. Several men spent another day at the farm mixing compost and soil, filling all 18 beds, and planting 170 onions in 1/4 of the beds.
We are looking forward to teaching others how to grow organic food. Tammie Price, the Founder and President of APFUM and OUR FARM, said, "It is very therapeutic working on the farm. I can’t wait for others to come and experience it. I believe God picked the most peaceful track of land in Abbeville for OUR FARM."

It is a blessing to see these young men come out and work on OUR FARM! Ryan and his buddies have been cutting down trees for the nature trail. Ty and his buddies (Evan, Jackson, and Lohen) helped Mr. Barry mix compost with soil for tree planting.